Today was an interesting and enjoyable day.
So Mr. Quick has been telling us about a project that we would be working on in the future where we would get to pretty much make up a new creature. Well That Time Has Come. We started of by choosing partners, mine being Chris Hernandez, and then we moved on to picking our creature.
We were LUCKY to get the coolest and most bad-ass creature in the sea....
this AMAZING fellow of the Order of the Sirenia
PS..As you can see, i finally figured out this GIF thing.
Anyway, back to the lab. So we were meant to look at the cladogram of the sirenia, choose another species with a common ancestor, compare the two, and then create the transition.
So we picked this little fellow as our other species.
So the point is that we have two adorable creatures to compare.
Well sadly my photo-shopping skills aren't too great and our transition ended up looking like this:
So if you would like to come and check out our website, go ahead!