Wednesday, September 11, 2013

House Case

September 10, 2013:
The main focus of today's class was the house case. If all house cases follow our first one, then a house case is when we are assigned someone with many symptoms, and we are supposed to try to figure out what he has.

House Case #1:
High School Senior
18 Years Old
Runs Cross Country

  Severe Headache

Additional Helpful Information:
  He is not on medications
  The symptoms began after practice
  The practice was in 104 degree weather
  Drank 3 gallons of water during practice

Based on this information, my class and I made a list of possibilities.

  1. Heat Exhaustion
  2. Heat Stroke
  3. Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Dehydration
  5. Over Hydration
We were then given a list of test results to further our search.
MRI and CAT scan-negative
CRC-normal and white blood cell numbers are normal
    Blood Glucose level-normal
    Serum/Blood Na levels 125 meq/L
    Serum Osmolality - decreased
Urinalysis - Specific Gravity decreased <100mOsm/kg and Urine Na decreased to 15 meq/L
Blood Pressure slightly elevated

After ruling out most of our prior possibilities, a few classmates and I have decided that his situation is most likely over-hydration.

This was my first house case, and I actually kind of enjoyed it. It was pretty interesting trying to figure out what was wrong with this guy with such few information.

I'll be back. Next time on House:

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