Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Test...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013:
Well....I just came out of the test. I'll just be honest, I didn't study for this as much as I should have. See what happened was what usually happens.

I had a friend who took the test a few blocks before us. He spent all night studying very hard, because he felt that he was unprepared for the test. When he sat down to take the test, he breezed through it. So this friend of mine walks out of biology and of course, I ask him how the test was, and then he replies, "Dang that was so easy! I don't know even know why I was up all night studying for that." So of course, my brain pretty much shuts out the idea of studying for the test. The truth was that my friend just studied so hard that he was really prepared for the test.

I don't really know why I am telling you this. I just know that this happens a lot. I think I should just stop asking how the test was. Maybe that will change some things. I don't know. Better luck next test.

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