Friday, December 13, 2013

El PedigrĂ­

This is a blog...about a class...where we spoke about pedigrees.

So to sum up the purpose of all of this before I start, there are a few different cases of shown by pedigrees:

Autosomal Dominant: This means that the mutation is dominant over normal. So to be effected, you could either be AA or Aa.

Autosomal Recessive: This means that normal is dominant over effected. So to be effected, you could must be aa.

Sex-Linked (Either Dominant or Recessive): Pretty much the same thing as Autosomal, but deals with a Sex-Linked Disease. Distinguishable because you know that a son can only get a disease from his mother.

So this is a Pedigree. It shows a family tree, but pays specific attention to a specific trait that has been passed on. The filled in squares/circles represent the effected.

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