Sunday, December 15, 2013

Super Duper Free Extra Credit

So I was given these two pictures.

And was asked to determine the phenotype of the father of these cute pups. Soooo what we know...

There are 12 puppies.
The Mother is a yellow.
5 of the pups are brown.
The remaining 7 are black.

So right off the bat, we know that mom has to be:
We also know that the offspring are about half brown half black. So we have to find a pair of parents that result in half:
    Eebb / EEbb
and half:
    EEBB / EEBb / EeBb / EeBB

So after fiddling around with a few Punnet Squares, I found that:

The Fathers Phenotype must be EEBb.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Mitosis and Meiosis

Here are some notes that I took on Mitosis and Meiosis

A chromosome is just coiled up DNA
S phase of Replication of DNA

Replicates the other side of the chromosome
     Sister Chromatids are connected by Centromere
     Split the sister chromatids to get two single chromatids

   Normal living
   Protein Synthesis
   DNA Replication
   Getting ready to mitosis
(M) Mitotic Phase
   Split the Chromosome into two
   Splitting of the cells into two separate cells
When checkpoint is down, it is like a green light
When checkpoint is up, it is like a red light
Controlling Mitosis
Caused by fluctuation between MPF activity and the enzyme Cyclin
Process by which the contents of the eukaryotic nucleus are separated into two genetically identical packages
Start with sister chromatids in a cell nucleus
The nuclear envelope disintegrates
Sister Chromatids move toward the center
Then they attach their centromeres to spindle fibers
The Sister Chromatids split into single chromosomes away at the spindle fibers which causes movements
Nuclear envelope forms each set of chromosomes
No  nucleus --> no mitosis
Binary Fission

At the start, each chromosome finds its homologous counterpart
Crossing over occurs.
Spindles pull the homologs apart. Sister Chromatids are not split
Creates four cells. Each with one copy of each chromosome.

Friday, December 13, 2013

El PedigrĂ­

This is a blog...about a class...where we spoke about pedigrees.

So to sum up the purpose of all of this before I start, there are a few different cases of shown by pedigrees:

Autosomal Dominant: This means that the mutation is dominant over normal. So to be effected, you could either be AA or Aa.

Autosomal Recessive: This means that normal is dominant over effected. So to be effected, you could must be aa.

Sex-Linked (Either Dominant or Recessive): Pretty much the same thing as Autosomal, but deals with a Sex-Linked Disease. Distinguishable because you know that a son can only get a disease from his mother.

So this is a Pedigree. It shows a family tree, but pays specific attention to a specific trait that has been passed on. The filled in squares/circles represent the effected.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Cross between two parents that breed true for different versions of two traits.

Each plant, meiosis produces genotypes of a single gamete
When these two plants combine, they produce plants that are heterozygous and purple and tall.
This F1 offspring goes through meiosis and produces four different gametes.

Punnett Square with two of these offspring

9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio in the F2 offspring
Evidence of genes on different nonhomologous chromosomes

Epistasis - the products of different genes that interact to produce a phenotype
      Basically when two genes work together to produce a trait
      I.E. Labs

Incomplete dominance
     Dominance is usually not complete, since both alleles in a              heterozygous phenotype may be expressed in the phenotype
     I.E. Roses
          AA - red
          aa - white
          Aa - pink
          Two separate genes, but when heterozygous, produces a mixture
     When two alleles are inherited
     One from momma
     One from poppa
Multiple Alleles
     When new alleles rise through mutation
     When more than two possible alleles for a trait exist                   

Sex-linked Genes
     Any gene located on a sex chromosome