Tuesday, October 22, 2013

-.- so there is no race.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Here is my response to this article.
Does Race Exists?

     Well does it? This is one question that applies to so many people. Well according to the article Does Race Exist, no it doesn't, well at least not for long.
     What does Race mean? Well today, we use race to classify each other based on looks. Some people have light skin, and some have dark. Some people have lower cheekbones, and some have higher ones. We classify each other by race because we thought that this was the only way to do it, but this article sheds some light on this topic. If you look at the genetics of each different "race," you will that looks have very little to do with how related or different they are. Instead of separating into races based on looks, geneticists can find out the relatedness of groups by looking at small variations in the DNA,know as polymorphisms. These polymorphisms are mostly neutral and do not directly affect any particular trait, but there are some polymorphisms in genes that can lead to genetic disease. In a perfect society, we would be able to use this method to genetically separate into groups. Sadly, we cannot do this. We have become too diverse and interbred to use this method.
    Both this article, Does Race Exist?, and the movie that we are watching in class, teach us that the relationships between man are much greater than just how they look and where they live. They both show us that the relationships lie within the blood. In the movie, The Journey of Man, blood is referred to as a "time machine." They tell us that we can look into the blood of different races to better our knowledge of where we all came from and how we got to where we are today. This article has very similar beliefs in that it says that humans are not simply separated by physical traits, but we can only see these connections through their DNA.
     After reading this article and watching this movie, I have decided that race does exist, but not in the way that we know it today. Race is actually based on our genetic make-up, because it is what's inside that counts.

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